A Day in the Life
Crew Member: Saturday
8:30 am - Opening Circle
Every day at Grow Dat starts with a short game. It’s a chance for us to get to know each other and have fun before we get to work. We’ll share thoughts on the quote of the day and talk through the day’s schedule. Opening circle is usually facilitated by youth leaders.
After circle, we begin our first agricultural (AG) task on the farm. Common tasks are weeding, seeding new starts, bumping up starts in the hoop house, transplanting, harvesting, or moving compost to help build our soil.
8:45 am - AG Task
10:30 am - Break
Time to sit in the shade, eat a snack, drink water.
10:45 am - AG Task
Follow up with the Farm Team about progress on our task, move towards completion and starting a flow-over task
12:00 pm - Lunch
Every Saturday we have a paid lunch! Grow Dat provides a hot meal and crews have the opportunity to build their skills in Cooking Classes where they learn knife skills, how to read recipes and increase portion size, and are able to cook new cuisines!
12:40pm - Lesson
Lessons help us understand how and why we do this work. We learn from the land-- studying soil, insects, and ecology up close. We learn from each other by sharing stories and thinking about how we work together in a diverse community. And we learn about systems as we think about how our food gets to our tables and what a more sustainable and just food system could look like.
2:00pm - Real Talk
Every other week we give and receive feedback called Real Talk. Crew members hear 3 positives (things they’re doing well) and one delta (an opportunity for growth) from their crew leaders and ACLs. As the program continues, Crew Members give feedback to their supervisors & each other.
2:45pm Closing Circle
We end each day like we started — in a circle. We take this time to either reflect on the day, pose a silly question, or play a quick game. At the end of the circle, we are able to take home produce from the farm.